Box Office Xpress Junior - Pricing

Take me to Box Office Xpress Pricing

Program Cost
If you wish to first try out the program, you can download a fully functional trial version for free, or you can have it delivered on CD for a small charge,
which covers the cost of materials, shipping and handling. Use the CD Order Form to receive your CD.

Ordering the Trial Program on CD

Download Free
Shipped by Mail $ 15
Shipped Express Courier (N. America) $ 70

Full Registration Pricing

Box Office Xpress Junior (single user) $ 1600*
Box Office Xpress Junior (network/site license) $ 2500*

Note that the program is licensed to the organization name, and that name appears prominently on the tickets.

Follow this link for information on our Service Plans

If you require assistance in calculating your total cost, we would be happy to provide you with a quote and answer any questions that you may have.

You can place your order in one of the following ways ...

Payment can be made in advance by check or credit card. Sorry, no C.O.D.’s. Prices are in US dollars.