Box Office Xpress Celebrates 20 Years of Originality

August 2013  -  20th Anniversary

August 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of operation for the groundbreaking development of Box Office Xpress, the world's first - and - most established, collection of Windows ticketing software systems. Very few ticketing programs have been around as long as Box Office Xpress.

Box Office Xpress pioneered Windows ticket software design by establishing an elegant and simple user interface that sat on top of a highly sophisticated piece of software. This forged the way for a new era in ticketing systems as the program demonstrated to the world that, when operating a ticketing system, the user always comes first.

By staying true to the founding philosophy of providing extremely user-friendly ticketing software at a reasonable price, the program's many years of existence establishes Box Office Xpress as one of the very few ticketing software products that have maintained a presence in the ticketing industry for any considerable length of time. And sales of this reliable software continue to grow with each passing year.

Box Office Xpress ticketing systems are developed and marketed by Mark Lewis & Associates (formerly Corporate Consultants). In additional to traditional theatres, the company has seen a dramatic increase in universities and colleges who are using our Box Office Xpress Junior product for both their athletics and theatre departments. In fact, the customer base for Box Office Xpress ticketing systems has broadened to include traditional theatre, outdoor theatre and concerts, touring theatre groups, university/college arena and stadium events, churches, fairs, tourist destinations, casinos, museums and numerous high schools.

See our complete Customer List for all Box Office Xpress products as well as some testimonials. Educational institutions may also find our extensive list of Academic customers interesting.

The momentum is always moving forward with Box Office Xpress, whether it be in developing new innovations, or establishing new customer relationships. We are proud to be one of the most established members of the ticketing industry and look forward to maintaining that presence for years to come.

Thank you, to all our customers.